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World & International Days

Over 175 piano improvisions 
for the United Nations

Since mid-June 2019, Bahros has recorded 175 piano improvisions totalling 8 hours of music to commemorate the UN International and World Days.


100 of the Days have been selected by Eveline Drummen who has produced and directed a seire of films for television.

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Savina Marasi

Assistant Director


Savina danced in both classic and neoclassical pieces at Teatro La Fenice-Venice, Teatro Regio-

Turin, at the Ballet du Louvre-Paris,


Bat Dor Dance Company-Tel Aviv, Scapino Ballet and at the Dutch National Ballet-Amsterdam.

She has been a jury member at various important dance competitions in Europe.

Since 2003, Savina has taught classical ballet as a teacher in many important dance studios in Amsterdam and Europe

She is co-founder in 2016 of the first Amsterdam Dance Competition: "AmsterDans" .

Eveline Drummen
Artistic Supervisor and Director

Eveline Drummen has been a performing international Soloist Ballerina for the past 14 years, made choreographys, worked as assitant for ballet and opera choreography and worked in modelling and fashion. She found inspiration to start this project in cooperation with Bahros in the need to realise her vision towards improvisational art. 

Eveline is the current artistic director and coordinator of the upcoming 5 hours of short dance videos based on 100 United Nations World Days. 10  transcultural dancers are being selected in Amsterdam for the filming of the series which will take place during 8-11 & 15-18 October 2020. 


Eveline is organising this filming project with the trust and support from Bahros her world class professional network. 

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161 United Nation Days

© 2023 by BAHROS & Samson Marzbani

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